I would like to recommend healthybalanceddiet.net to my sister-in-law if ever we go and visit her one of these days. I believe that this is something she would be interested in reading and learn about. I didn't know about the hyperbaric oxygen therapy until I researched about my sister-in-law's condition. According to the infographic above, this kind of treatment can also be used to treat Aids, chronic fatigue syndrome, and lyme disease. If you want to learn more about this treatment, kindly visit the website for more thorough information.
Sad to know, but that's life...hope for her full recovery.
ReplyDeleteI hope she recovers too. Prayers can really help.
ReplyDeletei hope she will recuperate soonest, that was sad to hear sis. this is an eyeopener for us, the more that we have to be aware not only with what we eat but with the lifestyle we live as well
ReplyDeleteOh dear, hope your sis in law will recover soon sis :(
ReplyDeleteWow, this is actually the first time I have heard of this... I hope she recovers soon.